Some Question & Answer About Mint Leaf Can Benefits of Mint Leaf on Skin? Ans:- Yes, Mint Leaf benefits for our Skin. Can Benefits of drinking Mint water in Morning? Ans:- Yes, If you use regularly , it may help reduce gastric. Have a any side effects after using Mint leaf regularly? Ans:- A little side effect, you can see my post about Mint Leaf. Is mint water good for health? Ans :- Yes, no doubt. How do you use mint leaves ? Ans :- Tear the leafs and place in a mug, then muddle the leaves for a few second with the back of a wooden spoon. Pour very hot water over the leaves and let steep 5-10 min. You can removes the leaves them and eat. A different Approach :- You can see my mint leaf post. Can you boil mint leaves ? Ans :- Yes, use 5-10 big leaves or more depending on h...
Mint Leaf/Spearmint/Peppermint, many mint Leaf are the beneficial for our body, its Side Effects, How to cultivate, and Images